Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Have you ever feel so weak until you can't really do things that you normally do? I knew that the damaged was permanent. I just don't have the heart to tell. I'm not as the same as before. The pain is UNBEARABLE. What I can do now is just to accept everything as it is and live life to the fullest. "Life goes on". Anyway, 25 more days to go...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Rise Of A Star

Not much to say. Just that he's a good friend, good footballer and a good human being. He's no superman but he's a rising star. Ladies and gentlemen, You know who he is.. If you do not know him now, later, surely you'll know..

He's in the photo.. Try to spot him.. All the best and good luck to him and you guys who are wondering which one is him.. =D

Ku Merindukanmu...






Apa khabar semua? Setelah sekian lama memencil diri, saya kembali di persada penulisan. Kalian mungkin akan kecewa sedikit kerana kali ini saya akan hanya berceloteh sedikit sahaja. Saya terkenang semula zaman persekolahan dahulu. Air muka saya berubah sebentar apabila melihat gambar-gambar tersebut. Saya berharap supaya kawan-kawan masih lagi mengenali satu sama lain dan ikatan silaturrahim tidak putus. Semoga berjaya dan maju dalam hidup kalian! Wassalam...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Short Post?

It's funny how people tends to like the person that's not close to them or even care about them. They thought that this 'friend' likes them the way they like this 'friend'. But it's nothing like that.. They thought this 'friend' care about them but the reality is, this 'friend' of of theirs just wants to have accompany by their side.. NOTHING like a FRIEND i would say.. Peace out...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Feelings? What feelings...

I'm happy to know that you are happy and you enjoy so much.. I understand.. I won't disturb you anymore.. Peace out =DD=